Re-starting my online presence

October 06, 2023 00:00

Today’s social media platforms offer a wide range of experiences, yet they all compete for one finite resource—our time. Giants from the past have taught us that time is our most valuable asset. Which platform have you chosen to give your time to? What are you getting out of every hour spent on that platform?

In the past, I had to step back from social media in order to reclaim a part of myself. However, as someone deeply passionate about Artificial Intelligence, I recognised that this digital isolation came at the price of missing invaluable opportunities for learning and connection with the AI community. Inspired by recent changes in the social media landscape, I decided to re-engage.

Podcasts became my window into the world of Generative AI. Hearing stories of cool innovations, often shared on Twitter, piqued my curiosity. Around the same time, Elon Musk acquired Twitter. I found myself intrigued to experience these changes firsthand as I am a big fan of his work. My short-term objective was straightforward: I wanted to explore whether Twitter could be my go-to for latest news on AI. To no surprise, it did not disappoint. Now, not only am I an active X user, but I’m also curious to see how it can complement my own new site.

After procrastinating for years, I was inspired by stories of other blogs to finally start my own digital space which I can happily say is live and you are reading my first post! This digital notepad is my little corner on the web where I plan to share small AI projects and write down ideas in the form of essays. I like to think of this as a pathway to both my professional and personal growth. However, this journey hasn’t been easy. Balancing a full-time job and family responsibilities demands laser focus and effective time management, skills that I’m still in the process of honing. As the AI landscape keeps evolving at a rapid pace, I aspire to be consistent with my posting and interaction with the community.

Re-starting my online presence from scratch seemed like a terrifying idea a few months back. Now, I understand that there is much to gain than to lose. In my short experience as an active X user, I’ve been able to meet new people, learn about new technologies, and also shake hands with some of the most up-and-coming figures in the AI community. For instance, a few weeks ago I met with Hugging Face CEO Clement Delangue in San Francisco. All of this happened because I was online at the right time and looked at the right information. After this experience, and the feedback that I have received so far on X, I’m excited about the future, especially at the intersection of my day job, my passion for AI, and my ambition to undertake AI projects.

It’s time to build!